Walter B. Myers © 2025
Three worlds of ice and snow
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Medusa planet
Crater lake with alien flora
Alien Eden
Frozen world
Morning greets a desert world
Multi-sun planet
Alien fructiferous world
An earthlike moon
Boreal Sun
Two lush worlds
Green sky #1
Green sky #2
A planet shrouded in soot after a fiery encounter with a large meteorite
Nebula vista
Globular cluster seen from the surface of a planet
Dying star sheds its outer layers
Interior of a nebula
Red galaxy sunset
Tau Boötes b
70 Virginis b
Red dwarf star Gliese 581 as seen from the surface of extrasolar planet Gliese 581 c
Flora at the terminator on Gliese 581 c
Flying fauna over Gliese 581 c